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Saturday, August 3, 2024

How to make Cowboy coffee:

1. Decide how much you want (or need) to make, & measure accordingly.
2. Personally, I have good results when I use five (or six) flat tablespoons for every one pot (12 cups) of drip coffee,... so go from there for good measure.
3. Bring desired amount of coffee water to a boil.
4. Add coffee & ke
ep it quite hot until the boil starts to roll nicely.  You want to minimize the coffee grinds so they reduce to practically nothing.
5. Once the water seems to be mostly clear of grinds, & has reached a preferred "coffee darkness color" for the most part, then it is finally okay to pour.
6. Note that if grinds keep rolling then you should move the pot off of the heat source.  Wait a little bit (maybe a couple of minutes).  What you want is for whatever grinds are left to fall to the absolute bottom of the pot.  If you are not certain then sprinkle some cold water on top of the pot.  The cold water will sink and hopefully force any loose grinds to sink along with.
7. When a Cowboy pours his coffee; he does so carefully, & slowly, while watching for grinds.
8. A quality brew wins the day.  


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